Root Amazon Fire HD10 7th generation

5 minute read


Articles and instructions on rooting Amazon Fire HD10 7th generation with Fire OS 5.7.1.

Instructions on rooting and installing TWRP

I used the following articles and instructions to root my Fire HD10 7th generation.

[UNLOCK][ROOT][TWRP][UNBRICK] Fire HD 10 2017 (suez)

亚马逊Fire HD10 2017 平板root/解bl锁/刷LineageOs

Install the following packages on a Linuxmachine.

sudo apt update
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt install python3 python3-serial adb fastboot dos2unix

If your Fire OS version is later than 5.6.9, you need to perform the root process using this link Root the tablet. Otherwise you can follow the instrction from [UNLOCK][ROOT][TWRP][UNBRICK] Fire HD 10 2017 (suez)

Download the and open a terminal in that directory. Execute the step 1 command

amonet-suez-v1.1.2/amonet$ sudo ./

NOTE: If you are on firmware or newer, a downgrade is necessary, this requires bricking the device temporarily. (The screen won’t come on at all) If you chose the brick option, you don’t need to run Make sure ModemManager is disabled or uninstalled:

sudo systemctl stop ModemManager
sudo systemctl disable ModemManager

Then download

brick-suez/amonet$ sudo ./

At this point, the system will automatically restart and enter a black screen state. First, unplug the data cable, return to the folder where version amonet-suez-v1.1.2/amonet is located, and continue executing. The official instructions state that you should run sudo ./, but in practice, this causes the tablet to enter an infinite bootloader loop.

sudo ./

Then plug the device back in.

It will then boot into “hacked fastboot” mode. Then run

sudo ./

You will get into TWRP(Team Win Recovery Project).

Instructions on installing LineageOS

Since you are in TWRP, you can now remove the original Fire OS and install LineageOS.

Step 1: Wipe Fire OS Completely

  1. Boot into TWRP: If you’re not already in TWRP, boot into recovery: Power off the tablet. Hold Power + Volume Up until the TWRP logo appears.
  2. Wipe the Fire OS partitions: In TWRP, go to Wipe > Advanced Wipe. Select:
    • Dalvik / ART Cache
    • System
    • Data
    • Cache DO NOT select “Internal Storage” (unless you want to completely erase all files). Swipe to wipe.

Step 2: Download and Transfer LineageOS

  1. Download unoffical LineageOS 14.1 from the following link:

Notes!!!: Find the Correct LineageOS ROM if your device codename is suze. Find device code name by running:

adb shell getprop ro.product.device

If the output confirms it’s “suez,” you can use the downlink I provded. Otherwise, look for a LineageOS build specifically for this device: —

  1. Transfer the ROM & GApps to the tablet:
    adb push /sdcard/

    Step 3: Install LineageOS

  2. Go to “Install” in TWRP.
  3. Select the LineageOS ZIP file.
  4. Swipe to confirm flash.
  5. Wait for the installation to complete.
  6. Reboot your device.

Step 4: Factory Reset & Reboot

  1. Go back to Wipe > Format Data.
  2. Type yes and confirm.
  3. Reboot > System.

Now you should be able to see the LineageOS boot screen.

To re-enter the TWRP, you press the power button and volumn down button at the same time.

In the future, I will dig into the how root and bootloader unlocking works and write a post about it.