How to Use CodeQL (part 2)

6 minute read


How to Use CodeQL (part 2)

Running a bunch of queries

codeql starter workspace provides a bunch of useful premade queries. But what if I want to run all these queries at once and output results into a csv file? Naively, we will think of this command

codeql database analyze   /home/lizeren/Desktop/codebase_codeql/libz-codeql-db \
/home/lizeren/Desktop/vscode-codeql-starter/ql/cpp/ql/src/Security/CWE   \
--format=csv   --output=results.csv

In this command, /home/lizeren/Desktop/codebase_codeql/libz-codeql-dbspecifies what codebase we want to analyze. /home/lizeren/Desktop/vscode-codeql-starter/ql/cpp/ql/src/Security/CWE provides the path to queries. And the output will come out as csv format. When we run this, we see the following error

  Interpreting results. A fatal error occurred: Could not process query metadata for 
  020/IRCountUntrustedDataToExternalAPI.bqrs. Error was: Unknown kind "Table". [UNSUPPORTED_KIND]

The cause of this error is because @kind are intended for use by support tools such as IDE integration source This post talks about what the metadata properties of query and what is @kind.

Whats the suggested way to do then?

Instead of running all .ql files directly, which might include queries designed for specific tools and contexts (e.g., IDE integrations or debugging), it’s better to run predefined query suites (.qls) that are curated for specific purposes. 1. Locate the .qls Files Navigate to the appropriate directory for your language (in our case, C++): cd /home/lizeren/Desktop/vscode-codeql-starter/ql/cpp/ql/src/codeql-suites/ 2. Run the .qls File

codeql database analyze /home/lizeren/Desktop/codebase_codeql/libz-codeql-db /home/lizeren/Desktop/vscode-codeql-starter/ql/cpp/ql/src/codeql-suites/cpp-security-and-quality.qls --format=csv --output=results.csv

3. View the result You can refer back to the official documentation to interpretate the result.

Understand qls file

Take cpp-security-and-quality.qls as an example. - description: Security-and-quality queries for C and C++, Provides a human-readable description of the query suite. - queries: . Specifies that the suite should include all queries in the current directory (.). This would include all .ql files within the directory where the .qls file is located. - apply: security-and-quality-selectors.yml from: codeql/suite-helpers Applies pre-defined selectors (filtering or prioritization rules) for security and quality queries. The from indicates that this selector is part of a helper pack (suite-helpers) in CodeQL. - apply: codeql-suites/exclude-slow-queries.yml Excludes slow queries to optimize performance during analysis. This is especially helpful for large codebases where certain queries can significantly slow down the process. (this file is missing in the folder. Need to figure this out)

Here is the official documentation about creating CodeQL query suites

Understand yml file

This YAML file, security-and-quality-selectors.yml, defines selectors for filtering and applying CodeQL queries based on criteria such as their type (kind), precision, severity, and tags.

This YAML file, security-and-quality-selectors.yml, defines selectors for filtering and applying CodeQL queries based on criteria such as their type (kind), precision, severity, and tags. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Explanation of the File

1. Description

description: Selectors for selecting the security-and-quality queries for a language Provides a description for the selector file, indicating that it is meant to filter and select security-and-quality queries for a specific language.

2. Query Inclusions

These sections specify which queries should be included in the analysis based on their attributes.

Include Queries Based on kind and precision

`- include:
    - problem
    - path-problem
    - high
    - very-high` 
  • Kind: problem: Queries that identify potential security or quality issues. path-problem: Queries that report issues and include data flow paths.
  • Precision:
  • Includes only high and very-high precision queries to prioritize accuracy.

3. Query Exclusions

These sections exclude specific queries to avoid deprecated or experimental queries and focus on stable, relevant results.

Exclude Deprecated Queries

`- exclude:
    deprecated: //` 

Excludes all queries marked as deprecated to ensure only actively maintained queries are included.

Exclude Specific Query Paths

`- exclude:
    query path:
      - /^experimental\/.*/
      - Metrics/Summaries/FrameworkCoverage.ql
      - /Diagnostics/Internal/.*/` 

Excludes queries in the experimental directory, specific metrics like FrameworkCoverage.ql, and internal diagnostics queries.

Exclude Queries with Certain Tags

`- exclude:
    tags contain:
      - modeleditor
      - modelgenerator` 

Excludes queries tagged with modeleditor or modelgenerator, which are typically used for internal tooling or query generation.

Note: You can use the codeql resolve queries /path/to/suite.qls command to see which queries are selected by a query suite definition.