How to Use CodeQL

3 minute read


How to Use CodeQL

Install CodeQL CLI

  1. Download the file from GitHub’s CodeQL CLI releases.

  2. Add the executable (shell script) to your PATH:

vim ~/.bashrc

export  PATH="/home/lizeren/Downloads/codeql/codeql:$PATH"

source ~/.bashrc

  1. Verify the installation by checking the version. You should see an output message displaying the version number:

codeql --version

To analyze OpenSTA with CodeQL, we will first build it into a CodeQL database. You can refer to the official guide: Preparing Your Code for CodeQL Analysis.

Step 1: Build the Project

Before starting the database creation process, I recommend completing the regular build process first. For most compiled languages, CodeQL requires invoking the build system to generate a database, so the build method must be compatible with the CLI.

Follow the build instructions for OpenSTA here. Most prerequisites can be installed using apt-get on Ubuntu, except for CUDD, which needs to be installed separately.

Once all dependencies are resolved, build the OpenSTA binary as follows:

git  clone
cd  OpenSTA
mkdir  build
cd  build
# For example, $ cmake -DCUDD_DIR=/home/lizeren/Downloads/cudd-3.0.0 ..

Step 2: Generate the CodeQL Database

Navigate to the build directory, where the MakeFiles are located, and run the following command to generate the CodeQL database:

make clean #if you have tried to build the library/executable before for the purpose of testing like what we did above
codeql  database  create  opensta-codeql-db  --overwrite  --language=cpp  --command="make"

This will create a folder named opensta-codeql-db.

if you didn’t make clean, you would see the error message like this.

Initializing database at /home/lizeren/Desktop/codebase_codeql/zlib/libz-codeql-db.
Running build command: [make]
Running command in /home/lizeren/Desktop/codebase_codeql/zlib: [make]
[2024-12-12 17:26:52] [build-stdout] make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
Finalizing database at /home/lizeren/Desktop/codebase_codeql/zlib/libz-codeql-db.
CodeQL detected code written in C/C++ but could not process any of it. For more information, review our troubleshooting guide at

Use CodeQL in VS code

Install CodeQL extension in VS code

CodeQL extension

We also need a starter workspace to use with the CodeQL in VS code


  1. Clone this repository to your computer.
  • Make sure to include the submodules, either by git clone --recursive or by git submodule update --init --remote after clone.

  • Use git submodule update --remote regularly to keep the submodules up to date.

  1. In VS Code, click File > Open Workspace. Select the file vscode-codeql-starter.code-workspace in your checkout of this repository.

  2. Click CodeQL extension

  3. Select CodeQL extension